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The Wild Soul Tribe


We are a tribe of wild, strong, fierce, soulful women.

We support each other and build each other up.

We celebrate vulnerability, authenticity, and inner beauty.

We are here to design our lives, lead by example,

and inspire as many souls as we can along the way.


We encourage our tribe members to be their authentic selves

and be true to who they are.

We are all unique human beings, we are all different.

You do not have to fit in to be part of the tribe.

We accept each other for exactly who we are.


We are adventurers. We are nature lovers.

Through nature we grow, connect, and empower each other.

We go on adventures, create new things,

 and meet new people along the way.

We step out of our comfort zones and face our fears

doing things we’ve never done before

and going places we’ve never been.


We are a tribe of like-minded people,

each on their own journey of personal growth and transformation.

We connect, inspire, motivate, and encourage each other.

We allow each other to grow at our own pace,

and carve our own paths in life.

We are all a work in a progress, and a work of art.


We are light bringers and positive thinkers.

We are open, untethered, wild, and free.

We are all striving to become the best versions

of ourselves we can be.

We challenge each other and inspire each other.

We are a tribe.


We are Wild Soul Women

Our Address

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323 West Commercial St.

Lebanon, Missouri 65536


© 2020 by Wild Soul Retreats

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